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Markden Homes North West Limited

Providing commercial support services to Markden Homes North West Limited in the development of various premier housing schemes across the North West of England.

Working as an integral part of the Developer’s team on a range of projects from inception through to construction completion. Whilst a    number of project opportunities are being progressed, the following are now at final design stage and / or coming soon:

Tean Valley View, Upper Tean

Phase 1 - A bespoke range of 40 number, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom houses. Works started on site in July 2023 with a target completion in Autumn 2024 with a second phase of a further 47 properties being planned to follow.

Thistleberry Gardens, Newcastle under Lyme

A bespoke range of 43 number, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom houses. Works to commence in late 2023.

Mortimers View, Wigmore

A bespoke range of 25 number, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom houses. Works to commence in early 2024.

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